I have a parent child hierarchy in a table.
Due to some requirements we need to create the same hierarchies for different years with different primary keys.
i have data for 2005 and 2006
when i create a new parent chile dimension I am getting all 2005 and 2006 hierarchies.
I have one more dimension where I list only years.
Now I want to fileter the first diemsion depending on second dimension.
I tried "depends on Dimension" property.
it is not allowing me to save the dimesion at all.
It is saying invalid parent child relationship
if i remove the "depends on Dimension" then every thing is working fine except filtering.
I need filtering of One dimesion from other.
Pleas help!!!!
How to use "depends on Dimension" property for parent child relation dimension|||
This paper on Many-Many dimensional modelling in AS 2005 by Marco Russo may help you - page 73 discusses how to deal with multiple parent-child hierarchies. There is a Hierarchy attribute, which selects a specific hierarchy:
Multiple Hierarchies
Parent-child dimensions are a useful feature of Analysis Services. They can be used to model hierarchical and fast changing dimensions like sales or employee organizations. A limitation of this feature is that you can define only one parent-child hierarchy in a dimension. In the real world, this may be an issue. For example, in the middle of a company reorganization, someone may need to analyze alternatively the present with the eyes of the past (actual data for previous organization hierarchy) and the past with the eyes of the present (past data for actual organization hierarchy).
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