Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dimension Name Column Format Property SSAS 2005

I have tried entering different forms of syntax into the 'Format' property underneath the 'Name Column' property for a specific attribute within a dimension and it never seems to change the output when I view the attribute within the 'Browser' tab of the dimension. I tested this on the Adventure Works DW and I am unable to change the attribute format. Here is an example:

1. With the Adventure Works DW, open the 'Employee' dimension and modify the 'Birth Date' attribute's format property underneath name column. I have entered "d", format("DimEmployee"."BirthDate", 'mm/dd/yyyy'), and convert(varchar, "DimEmployee"."BirthDate", 101).

2. Process the dimension and click on the browser tab and view the 'Birth Date' hierarchy.

Has anyone had any luck using this 'Format' property for the 'Name Column' of an attribute? I believe you could easily do this in AS 2000, so I am wondering what the trick is in SSAS 2005. I would think that you could use this property, but I guess I need to know what the proper syntax is. I know that I could easily modify the data source view, but I want to know how to be able to do this in the future if needed.

I have checked on the web and in BOL and haven't found any reference information for this property and how to use it. If anyone knows of any documentation please let me know. I will take a look at the SQL 2008 BOL and see if that has anything new.


I just got a response back from Microsoft and this is what I had kind of figured because no matter what you type in this property it never would produce an error or change the results of the text.

The "Format" string for Attribute names is a stub for a later addon and is not implemented. Attribute names will only accept WChar types. Any formatting should be done either in the data source view as a "Named Calculation" or in the source table/view on the relational source.

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